
October 17, 2019

Expanding Our Reach with Generous Grant from Premera Blue Cross

It can be daunting for a family to find the resources they need due to numerous roadblocks, including a lack of knowledge of programs and the enrollment process, stigma around receiving help, eligibility requirements, language barriers and more.

WithinReach serves as a trusted link to critical health and social service resources that families need. We create and advocate for innovative solutions to improve overall health, and understand that the barriers to health resources are particularly challenging for low-income families and communities of color. Therefore, we are dedicated to finding solutions that make access to healthcare and other resources more equitable.

In the pursuit of creating healthy, thriving communities in Washington State, Premera Blue Cross and the Premera Social Impact Team has awarded WithinReach with a generous three-year grant of $607,000.

This multi-year grant will expand our Help Me Grow work across the state and our efforts to better connect underserved families to health and social service resources. Help Me Grow helps different communities maximize their existing resources to make sure everyone feels supported. Through Help Me Grow, families can access the resources and supports they need, when they need them.

Additionally, the grant will increase families’ linkages to behavioral and mental health services, and build overall awareness of a connected system of resources across the state. Low-income families are most at risk of delayed detection of issues, and community support and referrals can make all the difference in health outcomes.

For more than 30 years, WithinReach has hosted a statewide hotline offering a broad array of parent and child health resources. As an organization we understand the services and supports families need and have adapted our service delivery model over time to better meet those needs.

We are beyond grateful for Premera’s investment in Washington families and their belief in our ability to connect families to the resources they need to be healthy and safe!