Equity Statement

WithinReach is dedicated to fostering a culture of equity, inclusion and belonging where diverse perspectives, identities and experiences are valued and respected. We seek to dismantle systemic barriers and promote inclusivity in all aspects of our organization and the communities we serve.

 The following principles guide our commitment to eliminating institutional racism in our programs, policies and practices:

  • Address racism and oppression
  • Acknowledge the influence of privilege and implicit bias
  • Apply an equity mindset
  • Be inclusive and collaborative
  • Promote and celebrate diversity
  • Recognize and acknowledge shared experience
  • Practice transparency and accountability
  • Be an advocate and ally


Our Vision

Healthy, vibrant communities in Washington where all families have the opportunity to thrive.

Our Mission

WithinReach serves as a key connector and advocate for families in Washington, particularly those currently and historically affected by disparities. We partner with communities to co-design and connect families to equitable system supports and advocate to ensure essential resources are available and accessible to young children and their caregivers.

Our Strategic Plan Priority related to Health Equity

WithinReach strives to improve overall health and health equity in our state, making it easier for all families to access and benefit from the health resources and community supports they need to thrive.