April 27, 2020
Feeding Families with Nourishing Neighbors Grant

Finding help can be complicated and confusing. It is not always clear what resources are out there, where to find reliable information, or how to determine if you qualify for support. There is great need out there for assistance in navigating resources, and WithinReach is poised to help.
Food benefit programs and services are especially needed during the COVID-19 health and economic crisis, as an increasing amount of Washingtonians are facing the barrier of food insecurity. In the pursuit to reduce food insecurity and hunger among Washington families, Albertsons Companies has awarded WithinReach a $100,000 grant through their Nourishing Neighbors program.
These funds will allow WithinReach to help more families successfully apply for food benefits programs, like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps, and the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program. The grant will allow us to reach more people through additional staffing and community outreach.
We are beyond grateful for Albertsons Companies’ investment in reducing food insecurity and hunger in our state and their belief in us to connect families with the food, health and social service resources they need to be healthy and safe during this time.
If you know someone who needs help finding food, healthcare or other resources, please have them call our Help Me Grow Washington Hotline at 1-800-322-2588 or visit www.parenthelp123.org.