
November 17, 2020

Western Immunization Coalitions Support the Western Safety Review Workgroup

Recently the Western States of Nevada, Oregon, and Washington announced their decision to join California’s Scientific Safety Review Workgroup to independently review and ensure the safety of an FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine. This workgroup is comprised of nationally acclaimed scientists with expertise in immunizations and public health, and we applaud this effort to work collaboratively across the Western region.

As immunization coalitions, we value collaboration and understand the importance of engaging our local and state public health experts in this independent review. We also know that working together can help amplify each of our state’s efforts, and help us all ensure a COVID-19 vaccine is distributed equitably and according to our state’s playbook.

Additionally, we are beyond excited for our own Vax Northwest members, Dr. Ed Marcuse and Dr. John Dunn, who will be representing Washington in the COVID Vaccine Scientific Safety Review Workgroup. We know Dr. Marcuse and Dr. Dunn will make excellent additions to this workgroup!

Read the complete statement from the Western States Immunization Coalitions here.