
January 23, 2023

WithinReach Shares Priorities for New Legislative Session

The legislature convened for the 2023 legislative session on January 9. During the session, legislators will convene for 105 days and do the hard work of writing the two-year (biennial) operating, capital, and transportation budgets. They also can consider policy bills that are put forward for consideration. This session, which will be a marathon year rather than the sprint of short session, is scheduled to end on April 23, 2023.

For the first time since 2020, the legislature will be convening in-person and they are taking important measures to protect public health and safety. One of the most exciting carry-forwards that began from COVID is virtual testimony for committee hearings, remote sign-ins, and virtual meetings for most offices; this ensures more people who are directly impacted by the decisions made in Olympia have access to the legislative process.

Specific to WithinReach’s priorities, we are seeing a lot of important efforts in our key focus areas for this session:

  • Requesting funding to build capacity for Help Me Grow at the state and local level
  • Dismantling systemic racism and advancing diversity, equity & inclusion
  • Investing in physical health, behavioral health, food security, and other basic needs so families can thrive

For more details about WithinReach’s 2023 legislative agenda, please visit our Advocacy page.