“My husband, Bob, and I care deeply about our community and ensuring the health and well-being of families in Washington State. We know WithinReach is an essential part of making that happen. By including WithinReach in our estate plans, we can continue to support the work that matters most to us, for years to come. Please consider joining us in making a gift to WithinReach in your will or trust – your gift helps create stronger families!”

– Patty and Bob Hayes

By giving a gift to WithinReach, made through your will or another form of planned giving, you become a member of our Legacy Circle. WithinReach’s Legacy Circle is comprised of generous and forward-thinking donors who support our long-term success and assure their goals and values extend past their lifetime, creating sustainability so that our organization’s work can be carried on into the future.

No matter what you choose to give, your important contribution will be honored – with your permission – through recognition in our Impact Report.

Here are some possible ways to leave a legacy, via your will or living trust:

  • Bequests of specific money and/or other assets, or an overall percentage of your estate
  • Beneficiary of a life insurance policy
  • Transfer of long-term appreciated stock and other securities
  • IRA contributions and retirement plans
  • Real estate

Before deciding on what type of gift you might make to WithinReach, please consult with your attorney and financial advisor. Tax laws change and an independent estate planning professional should always review your individual situation.

For more information on any of these planned giving options, or to let us know you have included WithinReach in your estate plans, please contact funddev@withinreachwa.org. All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential, and imply no obligation to make a gift.

Our Impact

We break down barriers and build up healthy families, one connection at a time.